
Which therapy for disseminated intravascular coagulation dic disorder may be prescribed for a patient when the benefits outweigh the risk

Which therapy for DIC disorder may be prescribed for a patient when the benefits outweigh the risk?

Transfusion should be prescribed only when the benefits to the patient are likely to outweigh the risks.

Which treatment is most appropriate for patients with DIC?

Treatment of underlying conditions is recommended in three types of DIC, with the exception of massive bleeding. Blood transfusions are recommended in patients with the bleeding and massive bleeding types of DIC. Meanwhile, treatment with heparin is recommended in those with the non-symptomatic type of DIC.

What is the treatment for disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC )? Select all that apply?

There is no specific treatment for DIC. The goal is to determine and treat the underlying cause of DIC. Supportive treatments may include: Plasma transfusions to replace blood clotting factors if a large amount of bleeding is occurring.

What is used to treat DIC?

Treatment includes correction of the cause and replacement of platelets, coagulation factors (in fresh frozen plasma), and fibrinogen (in cryoprecipitate) to control severe bleeding. Heparin is used as therapy (or prophylaxis) in patients with slowly evolving DIC who have (or are at risk of) venous thromboembolism.

What is the target for treatment when a patient presents with disseminated intravascular coagulation?

Management of patients who present with acute promyelocytic leukemia and DIC consists of supportive treatment with platelet transfusion (aiming at a platelet count of >30-50 × 109/L), fresh frozen plasma, and fibrinogen concentrate (guided by the fibrinogen concentration in the patient’s plasma) and should be …

How does heparin treat DIC?

Heparin, as an anticoagulant, which, not only inhibits the activation of the coagulation system, but is also an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent, has been widely used during DIC treatment and in the prevention and treatment of thrombotic diseases.

What treatment is contraindicated in patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC )?

In general, patients with DIC should not be treated with antifibrinolytic agents, because this may increase the fibrinolytic deficit and may result in increased thrombosis.

Which event that occurs during disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC may predispose a patient to hemorrhage?

Consumption of clotting factors and platelets in DIC can result in life-threatening hemorrhage. Derangement of the fibrinolytic system further contributes to intravascular clot formation, but in some cases, accelerated fibrinolysis may cause severe bleeding.

What is disseminated intravascular coagulation in pregnancy?

DIC is characterised by widespread blood clotting (coagulation) in the blood vessels. It is an emergency in enceinte women as it can lead to organ dysfunction and bleeding because of depletion of platelets and coagulation factors with the ongoing activation of blood clotting (deposition of fibrin).

Which of the following is used to prevent intravascular coagulation?

Your doctor may use anticoagulants, also called blood thinners, to reduce blood clotting.

Which laboratory marker is indicative of disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC )?

Laboratory findings suggestive of DIC include a low platelet count, elevated D-dimer concentration, decreased fibrinogen concentration, and prolongation of clotting times such as prothrombin time (PT).

Why tranexamic acid is contraindicated in DIC?

Tranexamic acid is absolutely contraindicated when using all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) for APL, because ATRA transforms the character of APL from enhanced to suppressed-fibrinolytic-type DIC (see this PIH: Ikezoe’s paper).

Do you agree that disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC leads to Hypocoagulation?

DIC is characterized by the systemic activation of coagulation, leading to widespread microvascular thrombosis, which compromises organ perfusion and can contribute to organ failure. The ongoing activation of coagulation may exhaust platelet and coagulation factors, resulting in a hypocoagulable state and bleeding.

Which client is most at risk for developing disseminated intravascular coagulation DIC )?

People who have one or more of the following conditions are most likely to develop DIC: Sepsis (an infection in the bloodstream) Surgery and trauma. Cancer.

Is Disseminated intravascular coagulation hereditary?

It is possible that certain risk factors may, therefore, contribute to the likelihood of DIC. Because DIC is characterized by severe disturbances of the coagulation cascade, inherited abnormalities of coagulation proteins are candidate risk factors. DIC very rarely occurs spontaneously without an underlying illness.


Elina Uphoff

Update: 2023-10-30