
Video shows Texas woman Simone Bryna Kim being dragged off Frontier Airlines flight after threatening passenger

In one more in-flight episode including a raucous traveler, a video caught Texas lady Simone Bryna Kim being hauled off a Boondocks Carriers trip by different police in the wake of opposing capture for taking steps to go after an individual traveler.

On Tuesday, Walk 21, 2023, Simone Bryna Kim, 24, was on a Wilderness Carriers trip at Miami Worldwide Air terminal when she got into a verbal squabble with a traveler on the plane making a beeline for Philadelphia.

According to the New York Post, Kim was captured for causing an unsettling influence after she would not get off the plane for taking steps to go after an individual traveler.

The capture, which was caught on camera, showed Kim apparently striving in the wake of being completed by a few police trying to limit her on the ground. Before being lifted by officials at the scene, Kim purportedly genuinely attacked various officials as they attempted to get her off the plane.

Simone Bryna Kim was on a plane destined for Philadelphia from Miami Global Air terminal when she was approached to get off for compromising a traveler with hurt.

According to the Miami Messenger, a video caught by a traveler showed Kim obnoxiously manhandling a male traveler before the group attempted to diffuse the circumstance by attempting to get her off the plane. The video showed a disappointed Kim hollering:

While it indistinct incited the boisterous ambush against the other traveler, the distribution revealed that the team individuals had to tell the specialists after Kim wouldn’t get off the plane.

Soon after specialists showed up at the scene, Kim allegedly started battling against being lost the plane and genuinely attacked the officials, who were then compelled to drag her off the flight.

A subsequent video then caught Kim, who was all the while battling against the capture after she left the plane, being lifted up by various officials as she started thrashing in their arms.

According to the capture report refered to by the New York Post, Simone Bryna Kim is blamed for kicking and gnawing the officials while opposing capture. Following the occurrence, Outskirts Carriers put out an announcement tending to the capture and said:

“During the loading up process for Flight 2326 from Miami to Philadelphia, two clients got into a verbal squabble which brought about one of the clients being approached to deplane. Upon her refusal, help was mentioned from neighborhood policing. We concede to the Miami-Dade Police Division for extra data.”

Simone Bryna Kim, who was let on Wednesday out of the Turner Guilford Knight Restorative Center on bond, was accused of battery on a cop, one crime allegation of opposing an official with brutality, three wrongdoing counts of attack on a cop and a misdeed intruding charge.


Enda Jantzen

Update: 2023-11-12