
#61 Biblical Meaning of Wind in Dreams & Interpretation

The air has always been the symbol of the human’s internal power. It is also the representation of our spirits. About the biblical meaning of wind in dreams, it will generally be associated with the message of God or the higher being.

It means that a divine entity is trying to send you a message. Uncovering the secret message behind your dream can help you overcome your current struggles.

Table of Contents hide Why do You Dream About Wind? Anxiety New Beginning You Need to Be Confident To Stay Quiet Career Growth Seeking Your Advice Spiritual Meaning of Dreams about Wind Dreaming of Shielding Yourself Against the Wind Dreaming of the Wind during a Storm Dreaming of a Powerful Wind Dreaming of Wind Blowing Things Dreaming of a Windy Weather Dreaming of Being Blown by the Wind Dreaming of a Storm Dreaming of Wind in Trees Dreaming of a Pleasant Wind Dreaming of Wind While You Are at Sea Conclusion

Why do You Dream About Wind?

If you consider the four primary elements; water, earth, fire, and air, the wind pertains to the air that we breathe. It is connected to the dreamer’s soul.

According to the Old Testament of the Bible, Elijah was lifted to the sky with a whirlwind. It is, therefore, the representation of a force that can uplift your spirit. Here are some reasons why people will encounter wind in their dreams.


One of the reasons why some people will have recurring dreams about wind is due to their stress. They may be anxious about the impending changes that are about to happen in their life. They probably think that there are so many things that are going on in their life that it overwhelms them.

You are probably being pressured by some people to stop doing the things that you want. You are also forced to reconsider your situation, options, and choices.

New Beginning

Dreaming of wind can pertain to the beauty of a new beginning or the birth of a new idea. You are feeling excited and invigorated over the unexpected things.

You are currently feeling excellent and content, knowing that you can get through your life quickly. Your dream is generally a reflection of your pleasant feeling.

You Need to Be Confident

Perhaps you need to make a tough decision soon. This dream is a reminder that you will have to remain strong-minded.

Typically, your choice is related to your environment or yourself. You will be admired and respected for choosing the unconventional and hard solution.

To Stay Quiet

Another reason why you are dreaming about wind is that you are adamant about remaining quiet over a particular situation.

You don’t have to feel worried about this since the issue will resolve itself. It will not be blown out of proportion since you choose to ignore it.

Career Growth

Dreaming of wind can also be a sign of career growth. It can imply that you will dominate your working environment, and your colleagues will admire you.

Your people will respect and follow the decisions that you will make. It may also suggest that you will receive the promotion that you’ve always wanted.

Seeking Your Advice

Wind may also mean that someone you know is looking for your advice regarding a specific issue. These people will come from a distant place, and your insights will help them overcome their current situation.

Spiritual Meaning of Dreams about Wind

Compared to the other elements that you will encounter in your dream, winds may be less noticeable. You can only observe them through the movement of the leaves, the direction of the smoke, dust, or pollen, or if it is strong enough to uproot trees and destroy structures.

Therefore, deciphering the meaning of your dreams can be somehow tricky. Here are some possible interpretations of your vision.

Dreaming of Shielding Yourself Against the Wind

When we are facing a strong wind, we tend to cover our self to prevent the massive energy from clashing against our body.

This dream offers an essential reminder that you need to protect yourself from the challenges that you may encounter in your life.

The air that you will see in your dream can be complicated and deep. Try to observe how the wind is affecting your vision. It can be related to something terrible if you feel scared or if the wind is hostile.

Dreaming of the Wind during a Storm

The wind may have a special meaning if you dream about stormy weather. People will often be captivated by the magnificence of the tornado and the beauty of the storm.

Lightning and tornado can be destructive, and you may feel terrified. The proper interpretation of your dream can be associated with your feelings and construction.

The formation of the wind can take the form of a heart that pertains to love. It can also sometimes create a shape of the boat that will indicate a trip. It may also mean that your manner of thinking is unclear.

Dreaming of a Powerful Wind

The strong wind can be associated with the dreamer’s subconscious mind. It can be related to something negative or positive. Some people who will dream about hurricanes and tornadoes can mean that they are yearning for freedom.

Perhaps they want to move more freely or express their opinion or emotion without any inhibitions. Furthermore, this can sometimes suggest that you are searching for a sanctuary where you will wait until the storm has passed.

Dreaming of Wind Blowing Things

Seeing random things being blown by the wind denotes something positive. It can indicate that you are trying to go out of your comfort zone.

However, you need the support of someone that will help you move towards that direction. The ‘wind’ in your life will also inspire you to grow and move forward.

Dreaming of a Windy Weather

Dreaming that the weather is windy can mean that there are people around you who are planning to attack you. In our waking life, we will pass through different storms.

Some will lead to something good, and others will lead to realizations and lessons. Windy weather is a sign that a stormy period will come.

You can choose to go against the wind or ride on the breeze. You will usually encounter wind in your dream if you need to focus your attention on something.

Dreaming of Being Blown by the Wind

If the wind is carrying you in your dream, it can be an indication of the natural flow of your life. It can suggest that you are having trouble in moving towards a critical part of your life. Your struggles can manifest in your dream as you are being lifted by air.

Think about the things that can uplift you and will help you overcome your problems. Perhaps you are feeling bothered by the opinion of others.

This dream pertains to your level of satisfaction. If you are not contented with your life, you need to find the wind that can lift your spirit.

Dreaming of a Storm

Sometimes, the storm will be the critical detail of your dream rather than the wind. It may indicate that you recognize the mighty and potent force of the nature of the storm.

When this dream symbolism appears in your dream, it can mean that there is a drama or an upheaval that you will soon experience.

Dreaming of Wind in Trees

Seeing the leaves of the trees rustling or its branches swaying due to the wind can be a sign that you will soon be separated from your loved ones. It can last for a short period.

You will appreciate the value of this person more in your life. Your separation with them can be related to your work. Other times, your relationship may be unstable.

Your dream can mean rejection. You are probably not reciprocating the affection of other people since you don’t think that you have a connection.

Dreaming of a Pleasant Wind

Dreaming of this scenario is a sign of victory or triumph that is associated with your current project or undertaking. You have the confidence and abilities that are necessary to fulfill your goals.

Generally, the gentle wind that is caressing your skin is a representation of the feeling that you’d get when you hear about the blessing. You can be hearing positive news from those people that matter.

Dreaming of Wind While You Are at Sea

If you sense the wind while you are at sea (i.e., riding a cruise ship or a boat), this usually has a positive interpretation. It can mean that there will be a significant development in your current endeavor.

For instance, you probably encounter a problem in a project that affects your progress. This dream is an indication that your suffering will soon end.

You are a skilled and capable person, and your vision is trying to help you accomplish an unfinished project. A conflict in your workplace will reach a speedy resolution.


The biblical meaning of wind in dreams pertains to the unexpected things that may happen. These things will be beyond your control, and sometimes, you merely have to allow this to happen. It can be a beautiful piece of news.

You may not necessarily be interested in it, but someone will still share this information with you. It is also possible that you will be the first person who will receive this message.

If you want to interpret the spiritual meaning of your dream, you generally have to pay attention to the details and your emotions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article !


Barrett Giampaolo

Update: 2024-12-04