
The Human Torch Goes Black with Michael B. Jordan

Michael_B_Jordan_Human_TorchMichael B. Jordan has officially signed on to star as Johnny Storm, The Human Torch in Josh Trank’s  reboot of “Fantastic Four.”

The 26-year-old star of “Chronicle” has been up for the role of Johnny Storm for a while and sources from within his agency confirmed his involvement.

With the coming of this news there is bound to be many upset comic book purists objecting to a Black actor being cast in a white role. Many of which have already taken to social media to express their hate. 

When it comes to casting Johnny’s sister, Sue Storm, it’s unclear whether the studio is going to go with a white actress or a Black actress for the role. Some rumors have indicated that actresses Saoris Ronan, Kate Mara or Margot Robbie will play Johnny’s sister Sue Storm, which raises the issue of different skin color from Jordan. 

As for the Black actress, “Orange is the New Black” star Samira Wiley has been rumored to be in the mix. Nicole Behari, Kerry Washington and Zoe Saldana’s names have also been mentioned.

So what do you think? Do you care that Jordan is going to be the new Human Torch?



Brenda Moya

Update: 2024-11-09