
#77 Chiron in Taurus Woman , Man : Meaning & Personality

Star signs, as well as sun and moon ones, are helpful in terms of getting to know yourself and how you fare astrologically.

However, there is an overlooked new part of the natal chart – a comet called Chiron – that also helps you see what your motivations are, and can talk about certain predispositions you may have regarding certain things.

Chiron also has some darker side to it – because it talks a lot about childhood wounds and even traumatic conditions that shaped how you view the world and how you act around other people.

Table of Contents hide Chiron in Taurus – General Traits and Meaning Woman with Chiron in Taurus Man with Chiron in Taurus Chiron in Taurus Compatibility Chiron in Taurus Soulmate Conclusion

Chiron in Taurus – General Traits and Meaning

Chiron in Taurus tends to have predominant insecurities. There are a lot of childhood wounds in terms of how you received love and care in your earlier years.

It is possible that the love was lacking, or the language just didn’t match how you are able to receive it in a way that you would understand.

It can also be that the conditioning was harsh, and the adults that were a big part of your childhood were used to this kind of upbringing as well.

You may have harbored a lot of pain and hurt about how you were treated, and resented your parents and the other adult figures who raised you.

This has repercussions on how you are able to give and accept love and the treatment of other people. Chiron in Taurus tend to be materialistic, worldly, and possessive.

They want to get security, but are only used to being shored up by status, recognition, and popularity. Therefore they have the tendency to keep chasing this in their lives, and always end up still feeling like the hole still hasn’t been filled inside of them.

Chiron in Taurus often have self-esteem problems. They often feel like they have to continuously prove themselves to other people via their achievements, possessions, and the material accomplishments they have.

Sometimes, they also like achieving status because this makes them feel like they are above other people, and that they are worthy. It is hard for them to not feel like they are on top or are at least matching up to the other people around them.

It is hard for them to be in a field that is unconventional. They are often pressured to be in well-accepted careers, even if this is not what they really want deep down.

But because they crave so much the acceptance of other people, they do their best to get this approval. They keep working in order to please others, but in the end, they just disappoint themselves.

Woman with Chiron in Taurus

Women with Chiron in Taurus are often very insecure. They seek worldly pleasures, status symbols, and achievements in order to shore up their self-worth. Oftentimes, they will want to be overachievers in order to make themselves feel that they are worthy people.

They like the feeling that they are living a high life, complete with the socials and gatherings that let them be around seemingly important people.

This makes them feel like they have also achieved great things in life. They keep seeking this and often want to find stability in this kind of lifestyle.

They also like eating good food, traveling to luxurious and expensive places, and being seen with the crowd that is looked up to by society. These are the things that give them the esteem that they are always craving.

However, this will very rarely last for them. They want to always be on top of their game and so it is a very tiring and unstable lifestyle.

But they keep trying to get security and stability from it – something that can never give that a feeling of permanent safety to them.

They are often living in fear of losing all of their possessions, the reputation or popularity that they worked hard for, and even the relationships that make them feel important and loved.

They don’t know why – but often because they are so possessive and needy for these things, their fears are a dominant part of their outlook.

And because this is what makes them miserable, they can’t see the beauty of what is already in front of them and just enjoy it for what it gives them, even though these can be temporary.

Man with Chiron in Taurus

Man with Chiron in Taurus is often addicted to the fast life. This gives his life meaning and gives him self-confidence.

Even though his enjoyment of money, fame, and worldly possessions only goes to a certain level, he has been so conditioned towards achieving these things that he just doesn’t know what else he is supposed to do.

For the many years that he has been working towards these things, it has given him the feeling of self-worth and self-esteem that he has also often craved.

Because of that, he has been conditioned to think that this is good for him to do. He is also often living in fear of losing these possessions.

He works hard to protect them, and really spends most of his time securing his empire, and making sure that he will never run out of material wealth. This is a good thing because at least it gives him the proper stability that is needed.

He is also often in a relationship, because he needs this as a source of his security. Even if this is not really a stable place to be in, he has been used to this so much that he is very rarely single.

Because he is very good at acquiring and keeping material wealth, he makes his partner happy and gives a sense of stability in their relationship. At least, that is one thing less to fight about.

There are a lot of questions in the head of the man with Chiron in Taurus – about how he can be truly happy and feeling stable without having to chase all these worldly things.

But until he is able to understand that all those can be answered by acknowledging the self-worth that is already inherent in him, he will never be able to stop the feeling of having to chase these material possessions and worldly things down.

Chiron in Taurus Compatibility

The Chiron in Taurus man or woman is usually compatible with the people who will help them shore up their self-worth in the ways that they understand – and that is usually through material possessions, a good reputation, popularity, and the stability that is brought about by this kind of lifestyle.

The woman would want a man who will be able to provide all of these things for her. She often would want to be treated with free things – that is the way to her heart.

The man will be willing to give this because he also draws a sense of esteem from being able to do this for other people.

They will often have a fear-based relationship with their partners if they continue with this kind of thinking – that they need to draw security from pretty things or from popular people.

They will always fear losing these things – and because these are truly so very fleeting, and the people so fickle, their sense of self-worth will always be fluctuating.

Chiron in Taurus Soulmate

The Chiron in Taurus will be able to find their soulmate in someone who can see beyond their woundedness and be able to give them healing.

This can be through someone who will show them that their self-worth will never be dependent on what other people think or feel, or even how they behave or how they treat them – because their self-worth will only ever be dependent on how they see themselves, and how they claim this self-worth as their birthright.

Once they realize that they don’t even have to do, achieve or accomplish anything to be worthy – that their goodness is inherent in them and they don’t need to prove anything to anyone.

This will be the time that they will be free from the need to continue to acquire material possessions, popularity, and wealth with their friends. Their soulmate can be someone they get along with pretty well, who makes them feel good.

But it is also possible that their soulmate is someone who will make them realize all these things about their inherent goodness, which can be painful for them in the beginning.

But a lot of awakening and release of resistance will definitely take place, which is of course very good for them and for the love and healing that they are seeking for themselves.


The people with Chiron in Taurus have a lot to deal with, but thankfully, no one is ever beyond saving.

If they are able to come to terms with the truth that they can’t rely on anything outside of themselves in order to be happy, they can only find true and lasting happiness within themselves, then they can be free of the need to keep chasing after the worldly things that they have been so used to chasing in their lives.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article !


Mittie Cheatwood

Update: 2024-10-28